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Friends Of Group

Friends of Ripton School (FORS) 

FORS mission statement: The Friends of Ripton School provide the Ripton Elementary School support through volunteering and funding to enhance and enrich the school environment by facilitating academic programs, extracurricular activities, events, and materials, which are designed to meet the expectations and changing needs of the school throughout and beyond the academic school year.

Friends of the Ripton School (FORS) is a group of volunteers who work together to make the Ripton Elementary School the best it can be. We offer our assistance to the school when needed and organize fundraising and other events at the school and in the community. We exist because of our community’s involvement and generosity in supporting our fundraisers.  Some of our favorite fundraisers and events to look out for include our annual May Day Basket delivery, on site Pizza Bakes, Coffee House Bake Sales, the Ripton Ridge Run and High Mowing Seeds. We cordially invite all interested parents and community members to join us! We know Ripton is rich with diversely talented people who might be interested in helping. We welcome your interest and involvement at any level. Our school belongs to the community, and we warmly invite you to experience the happenings at Ripton Elementary.

To join FORS contact: Erin Robinson at

Ripton Ridge Run!